Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Research Publications
Control concept of an ultra-fast assembly technology for electronic components

Control concept of an ultra-fast assembly technology for electronic components

Categories Konferenz
Year 2018
Authors Gottwald, S.; Overmeyer, L.
Published in AST – Symposium on Automated Systems and Technologies, Band 3/2018, PZH Verlag, Garbsen, 2018, S. 67-72.

A new, ultra‑fast assembly technology for electronic components is being researched and developed to increase the assembly rate of a die bonder. The increment of the assembly rate originates from a continuous movement of wafer and substrate instead of the state of the art Stop‑and‑Go‑Motion. It bases on a laser technique for contactless transfer of the bare‑chips on a substrate.

The die assembly process is supported by a complex control to reach the research project goals. This paper presents the control concept and the different needed control groups with multiple feedbacks to increase the positioning accuracy.


ISBN 978-3-95900-223-3
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