Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Research Publications
Additional external electromagnetic fields for laser microprocessing of metals

Additional external electromagnetic fields for laser microprocessing of metals

Categories Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
Year 2016
Authors Schütz, V.; Bischoff, K.; Brief, S.; Koch, J; Suttmann,O; Overmeyer, L.
Published in Optics Express Vol. 24, Issue 23, pp. 27046-27058.

Ultra-short pulsed laser processing is a potent tool for microstructuring of a lot of materials. At certain laser parameters, particular periodical and/or quasi-periodical µm-size surface structures evolve apparently during processing. With extended plasmonics theory, it is possible to predict the structure formation, and a systematic technology can be derived to alter the surface for laser processing. In this work, we have demonstrated the modification of the laser processing with applying tailored dynamic surface electro-magnetic fields. Possible improvement in applications is seen in the fields of process efficiency of laser ablation and a superior control of the surface topography.


DOI 10.1364/OE.24.027046