Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Research Publications
Methodology for Automatic Boundary Layer Detection using Ground Penetrating Radar

Methodology for Automatic Boundary Layer Detection using Ground Penetrating Radar

Categories Konferenz (reviewed)
Year 2011
Authors Mathiak, T.; Kesting, M.; Overmeyer, L.; Gau, V.
Published in 6th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR), S. 1-5. Aachen: IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2011.

Ground penetrating radars are used in many fields of application. A challenging task is the analysis and interpretation of measurement data wherefore nowadays mainly experts' help is necessary. In this paper an automatic boundary layer detection based on selective time-frequency analysis is proposed. Developed algorithms are tested on measurement data acquired with an integrated GPR system on a bucket wheel excavator in open cast mining.

ISBN 978-1-4577-0332-4
DOI 10.1109/IWAGPR.2011.5963891