Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Research Publications
Characterization and Long-Term Operation of a 200 W Single-Frequency Fiber Amplifier for Gravitational Wave Detectors

Characterization and Long-Term Operation of a 200 W Single-Frequency Fiber Amplifier for Gravitational Wave Detectors

Categories Konferenz (reviewed)
Year 2019
Authors Wellmann, F.; Steinke, M.; Meylahn, F.; Bode, N.; Willke, B.; Overmeyer, L.; Weßels, P.; Neumann, J.; Kracht D.
Published in Laser Congress 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America)

We developed and operated a 200 W single-frequency fiber amplifier at 1064 nm for > 695h. We observed no signs of stimulated Brillouin scattering. Excellent noise properties and a TEM00-mode content of 94.8 % were demonstrated. [655]

DOI 10.1364/ASSL.2019.ATu1A.5