Institute of Transport and Automation Technology Research Finished projects
Automatable method for splice preparation of steel cord conveyor belts by means of beam technology

Automatable method for splice preparation of steel cord conveyor belts by means of beam technology

Year:  2017
Date:  01-12-18
Funding:  AiF, IFL
Duration:  01/2017 – 12/2018

Conveyor belts are spliced to form an endless belt at the conveyor system. The splice preparation consists of several manual steps and is therefore very time consuming. The uncovering of the individual steel cords is carried out using various cutting tools. First, a so-called cord stripping machine is used. This process removes most of the rubber. Then the cords are cut to the required length according to the splice layout, and the remaining rubber of the steel cords is removed using knives and piano wire. A large number of technicians is required for this procedure during the splice preparation.

The research project examines the possibility of using beam technology to replace the manual cutting processes. The aim of the project is the determination of the best process parameters to expose the steel cords. This should be pushed ahead on the basis of the foundations of the adhesion theory of steel cords and rubber as well as through experimental tests. Using the experimental validation of the beam process, a constant quality in the preparation of the connection is first promoted. In addition, the possibility of an increase in strength is to be investigated. Finally, a concept study for a modified beam system shall show how the obtained results can be implemented in the field.

Successful automated splice preparation is the first step on the way to the fully automatic splicing of steel cord conveyor belts.

The IGF project 19262 N by the Forschungsvereinigung Forschungsgemeinschaft Intralogistik / Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme e. V. (IFL) is funded through the AiF in the framework of the program for the promotion of industrial joint research by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).