Institut für Transport- und Automatisierungstechnik Forschung Publikationen
Functionalization of UV-curing adhesives for surface-integrated micro-polymer optical fibers

Functionalization of UV-curing adhesives for surface-integrated micro-polymer optical fibers

Kategorien Konferenz
Jahr 2016
Autorinnen/Autoren Hachicha, B..; Overmeyer, L.
Veröffentlicht in SPIE: Photonic West. Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX, San Francisco, California, USA: 3-18.02.2016, Vol. 9750, No. 17.

Polymer optical waveguides, especially single-mode waveguides are increasingly used for short distance communication, as well as for sensing applications. The realization of a working communication route requires di erent and sequentially realized steps. Generally, these steps are the packaging of semiconductor beam senders and receivers, the fabrication of an optical waveguide, the preparation of its end-facets, the alignment of dierent elements along their optical axis and the integration into a desired communication route. The development of a process, which integrates all these steps for planar surfaces, o ers a reduction in time and an increase in exibility. A sub-step toward such a highly automated system is the integration of optical waveguides into the planar surface. In this context, we are investigating the use of the micro-dispensing process to realize this integration step. We functionalize UV-curing adhesives as cladding for micro-optical cores as well as for inherent bonding to the substrate surface. For this purpose an optical characterization of the adhesives is necessary for an adequate core and cladding material combination. A ow behavior characterization is also relevant in order to analyze the used dispensing process with the selected adhesive. Finally, a mechanical characterization is done to test the adhesion of the core to the adhesive, as well as the adhesive to the substrate surface. In this paper we present a summary of the realized characterization of the selected polymer. Based on experiment results we infer limits and opportunities of this method.


DOI 10.1117/12.2212772