Examination of time domain reflectometry for fault locating in pipelines
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Konferenz |
Jahr | 2015 |
Autorinnen/Autoren | von der Ahe, C.; Overmeyer, L. |
Veröffentlicht in | Symposium on Automated Systems and Technologies (AST), S.81-86. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great St. Petersburg University |
Simulation processes and an experimental test are performed to investigate the practicability of using the time domain reflectometry (TDR) for the detection of defects in pipelines. Similar to the employment of TDR in checking electrical wiring it may serve to evaluate the position and the degree of a defect. Various simulation models are used to learn about the correlation between the quality of the defect and the reflected signals. A simplified laboratory model is set up for conducting trials with a TDR measurement device. Especially for online monitoring of horizontal pipeline drillings the method could provide an improvement over conventional approaches.
ISBN | 978-5-906782-35-9 |