Dispensing and Printing of Polymer Optical Waveguides
Kategorien |
Konferenz (reviewed) |
Jahr | 2011 |
Autorinnen/Autoren | Dumke, M.; Overmeyer, L.; Rieske, R.; Craiovan, D. |
Veröffentlicht in | World of Photonics Congress 2011, 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components. München: European Optical Socitey, 2011 |
In the course of this article the process of dispensing polymer optical waveguides and the implementation into metallic components surfaces are described in detail. Furthermore, the letter press and aerosol-printing of polymer optical waveguides is explained. Here, preliminary results are shown exemplarily for letter press printing by using a Heidelberger Speedmaster printing machine and for aerosol-printing by using an Optomec-Aerosol Jet machine with pneumatic atomizer.