Transmission Characteristics Dependence on the Launch Conditions of Integrated Waveguides
Kategorien |
Konferenz (reviewed) |
Jahr | 2011 |
Autorinnen/Autoren | Overmeyer, L.; Dumke, M. |
Veröffentlicht in | The 20th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers. Bilbao, Spain, 2011 |
The transmission characteristics of optical waveguides are dependent on the launch conditions and the length of the waveguide. Integrated waveguides and POF follow the same principles of physic, but for attenuation measurements some major differences have to be made. In opposition to optical fibres, integrated waveguides are produced on solid carriers. Generally, the cross sectional shape is different to a circular shape. Also the variety of optical polymers and production methods will lead to different quality levels of integrated waveguides. The attenuation measurements of integrated waveguides are mainly carried out under conditions close to practical use. Comparing different technologies and materials will be hindered by individual characterization methods. This paper will introduce to the assembly of an optical test bench and the evaluation and validation of the same. Finally, a theoretical estimation of the obtainable measurement resolution will be compared with the experimental results to ensure comparability between different measurement setups and production technologies.