Currently automated guided vehicle systems (AGVs) become more and more autonomous to satisfy claims of operators using this technology. The increased flexibility of autonomous vehicles due to this trend allows the development of new areas of application as well as the efficient usage of systems with a small number of vehicles. Therefore, sensor and computer systems integrated in AGVs become increasingly voluminous. By using virtual maps and a precise odometry, a small number of marks is sufficient to make the navigation of autonomous vehicles possible. The reduction of technical complexity would allow a more appropriate assembly of AGVs Transponders used as lane marks have many advantages in contrast to conventional systems, which exceeds the degree of utilisation in currently implemented systems. On the one hand transponders offer the possibility to store information on the roadway. Due to the flat design of transponders, an application on the roadway is also possible with minimal constructional effort. Thus, it is possible to reduce the information stored in vehicles as well as to increase the accuracy of odometry using a greater number of transponders on the roadway which are containing local data structures.