Institut für Transport- und Automatisierungstechnik Forschung Publikationen
Combined spray-coating and laser structuring of thermoelectric ceramics

Combined spray-coating and laser structuring of thermoelectric ceramics

Kategorien Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
Jahr 2020
Autorinnen/Autoren Abt, M.; Wolf, M.; Feldhoff, A.; Overmeyer, L.
Veröffentlicht in Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 275, 116319

The processing of ceramics is an important technology for various technical applications. In this paper, a highly controllable process consisting of spray-coating and laser structuring to design ceramic layers on a versatile applicable substrate is presented. A thermoelectric oxide, Ca3Co4O9, which is a type of thermoelectric material, is used in the process and applied to a flexible ceramic substrate. The resulting structures have highly controllable shapes and good thermoelectric properties, and they can be used to produce a printable thermoelectric generator (TEG). The use of a flexible ceramic substrate and the high feasibility of the process lead to a universally applicable procedure that can be used to process ceramics with unique structures and designs. [668]

ISSN 0924-0136
DOI 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.116319