Institut für Transport- und Automatisierungstechnik Forschung Publikationen
Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing of Polymer Optical Waveguides by Using the OPTAVER Process

Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing of Polymer Optical Waveguides by Using the OPTAVER Process

Kategorien Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
Jahr 2019
Autorinnen/Autoren Reitberger, T.; Zeitler, J.; Backhaus, C.; Hoffmann, G.-A.; Wienke, A.; Lorenz, L.; Bock, K.; Wolter, K.-J.; Suttmann, O.; Overmeyer, L.; Lindlein, N.; Franke J.
Veröffentlicht in Applied Industrial Optics 2019, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), paper T2A.1

This paper shows the modeling, simulation and production of polymer optical waveguides using the OPTAVER process. The additive manufactured multimode waveguides with their typical cross-section of a circle shape are of low cost and high-performance. [672]

DOI 10.1364/AIO.2019.T2A.1