The standard terms of time and space (Green, 2002) lead to logical contradictions near the borderline of physics. Therefore, we suggest a new term for time and space, which enlarges the understanding but takes the actual knowledge of quantum mechanics into account (Heisenberg, 1984), (Prigogine, 1998). The procedure to define a broader and basic term of time and space is based on the relation between the information stored inside a system, the decision which is to be connected with it and the interaction with other systems. Fundamental to this new understanding is a definition and an explanation of the terms System, Decision and Information. Based on these three terms we develop a new understanding of time and space. In which case it involves a specifying and extension of the present understandings. A meaningful point is that these three terms determine each other as they are open terms. Thus, they must be used in the interactive description before and during their own definition.