Person index of the Institute of Transport and Automation Technology

You can find here the contact details of all employees of our department. You can filter by name, research group or function.

Institute of Transport and Automation Technology


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Overmeyer
 Ludger Overmeyer  Ludger Overmeyer
Prof. Dr. Antonio Calà Lesina
 Antonio Calà Lesina  Antonio Calà Lesina
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kaierle
 Stefan Kaierle  Stefan Kaierle

senior engineer

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Stock
 Andreas Stock  Andreas Stock

Automation Technology

Team Leader


Team Leader

Production in Space

Team Leader

Administrative/Technical Staff

B. A. Sabrina Sophie Katz
 Sabrina Sophie Katz  Sabrina Sophie Katz

Transport Technology

Team Leader

Research Staff

M. Sc. Justus Michael Lübbehusen
 Justus Michael Lübbehusen  Justus Michael Lübbehusen
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